
Bilingual/ESL Program

Mesquite Independent School District is committed to providing a bilingual program for the purpose of teaching English to Emergent Bilingual students and to assisting them in learning to function effectively in an all-English school environment.

Bilingual education is a full-time program of dual language instruction that provides for learning basic skills in the students’ primary language and provides a carefully structured and sequenced mastery of English language skills.

Benefits of Being Bilingual

People who are bilingual have more mental flexibility. This is significant in that as learning abilities increase, students can use these abilities to improve comprehension and solve problems in math or linguistics.

Research has also shown that students who continue to develop their native language do learn English and score higher academically than those who sacrifice their native language.

Developing a student’s native language helps them find their personal identity. The student then values their culture and heritage, and this contributes to having a positive self-image and high self-esteem.

The doors of communication with family and community are open when the native language is maintained. By promoting a student’s native language, we prepare them to take their role in the community and the rest of the world.

Today’s world demands a bilingual workforce. By receiving an education in more than one language, students are given an advantage while competing in the world’s work market.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Program

Texas Education Code 29.055 defines the program of instruction “English as a Second Language” as “a program of intensive instruction in English from teachers trained in recognizing and dealing with language differences.” The program goal is to enable Emergent Bilingual students to become competent in the comprehension, speaking, reading, and composition of the English language through the integrated use of second language methods.

Instructional Components and Benefits

The English as a second language (ESL) program addresses the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of Emergent Bilingual students.

Elementary ESL Pull Out Program
The elementary ESL Pull Out program follows an intensive language instructional model, which utilizes collaboration between the ESL certified teacher and the regular education classroom teacher. The setting at each campus might vary depending on the staff available at each building and their corresponding certifications.

Secondary ESL Pull Out Program
The secondary ESL program is also a pullout model in which grade-level objectives are delivered through modified instruction making information comprehensible to students. In grades 6-12, English and reading courses are taught by ESL certified teachers, while other content courses are taught through sheltered instruction strategies by teachers trained in second language acquisition methods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Bilingual and ESL Enrollment Services (BEES Center)
405 E. Davis Street
Mesquite, TX 75149


Carolina Portillo
Director ESL/Bilingual