2024-25 Blackout Days for District Employees
District employees* may not use discretionary time off on the blackout days, which fall on professional learning days and days immediately before or after a student and staff holiday.
Failing to report to work on these dates may result in the employee being docked pay for that day.
*Blackout days do not apply to 226-day employees.
Click here to for a printable 2024-25 calendar incluing blackout dates.
2024 Blackout Dates
July 3, 5
Aug. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 26, 30
Sept. 3, 30
Oct. 11, 21
Nov. 4, 5, 22
Dec. 2, 20
2025 Blackout Dates
Jan. 6, 17, 21
Feb. 3, 14, 18
March 3, 14, 24
April 17, 21
May 23, 27
June 18, 20