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- Tips and Tricks
The beginning of a new school year is exciting for everyone involved—students, parents/guardians, and teachers alike. While it brings a fresh start, new friendships, and new learning opportunities, it also brings the need to reestablish or build effective routines. Whether you are a student adjusting after a long summer break, a parent helping your child get organized, or a teacher setting the tone for the year, intense routines create the foundation for success.
- Back to School
As the doors of our schools swung open this week, the energy and enthusiasm were palpable. The first week back to school at Mesquite ISD was nothing short of a success, and we are thrilled to share some of the highlights with our incredible community of parents, staff, and supporters.
- Back to School
As the summer winds down, it's time to start preparing for the new school year. Mesquite ISD offers a variety of resources and support to ensure a smooth transition back to school for students and their families. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you get ready for the 2024-25 school year.