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Strategic Initiatives

Mesquite ISD is focused on seven strategic initiatives. The plan to pursue these initiatives over three years is called our Strategic Roadmap. Click here to view a downloadable, printable document outlining Mesquite ISD's objectives and action steps.

Local Accountability

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The MISD Accreditation Evaluation System is a local accountability system developed in Mesquite ISD designed to emphasize local control and ensure campuses reach deeper and higher levels of excellence.

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Tailored Learning


AYO is a first-of-its-kind partnership between Mesquite ISD and technology powerhouses Google and Softserve that will help us customize each student's K-12 educational experience.

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Facility Upgrades

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MISD is committed to ongoing reviews and continuous updates of our action plans for technology, TV, and roof replacement, as well as prioritizing facility upgrades and new construction.



Early Literacy

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MISD is committed to expanding our work and commitment to ensure students are reading on grade level by 3rd grade. This includes our full day PreK program and 0-3 initiatives involving reading, playing and talking with your child.

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Dignity & Belonging

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Mesquite ISD is committed to creating a culture of dignity that leads to belonging. The Leadership and Empowerment Team works to remove any cultural, gender, race and ability-related obstacles, ensuring dignity and belonging for all. 

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Vanguard High School

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Dr. David Vroonland Vanguard High School offers students an innovative educational experience with a comprehensive career focus in a non-traditional learning environment. Students can choose from 16 different programs of study and earn multiple industry certifications, as well as dual credit.

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Leading Through Ownership

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MISD’s leadership development program is designed around the characteristics and competencies that define excellent leadership.
Leaders in Mesquite ISD display three characteristics: Commitment to Growth, Heart for Others and Passion for Results.

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