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Leadership & Empowerment Team

Dr. LaDonna Gulley
Leadership and Empowerment

Mesquite ISD is committed to creating a culture of dignity that leads to belonging.

Mesquite ISD serves over 38,000 young people and their families from diverse ethnicities, cultures and backgrounds. Together with a mixture of 5,400 adults who serve in the district, we are a community of unique talents and perspectives. 

With over 50 home languages other than English spoken and approximately 86% students of color, MISD embraces its beautiful differences and honors the dignity of all. 

We believe that everyone belongs in Mesquite ISD.

Mesquite ISD formed the Leadership and Empowerment Team (LET) in June 2020. The purpose of LET is to continue the removal of any cultural, gender, race and ability-related obstacles ensuring dignity and belonging for all.

Led by Dr. LaDonna Gulley, director of leadership and empowerment, LET includes staff, students, recent alumni, representatives from the community and Mesquite ISD trustees.

LET Focus Areas

LET's Talk Podcast

The LET's Talk Podcast

The purpose of the LET's Talk podcast is to engage community voices that promote dignity and belonging in our school community and beyond. Podcast guests range from educational leaders to community members and students from Mesquite ISD and beyond. Click below to watch or listen to real conversations about embracing our differences and finding common ground.

Watch the podcast

Listen to the Podcast

Mesquite ISD's curriculum does not promote or support any political agenda or viewpoint. 

LET's Learn Resources