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Homeless Student Support Services (McKinney-Vento)

girl standing against a wall

The Title 1 Department provides services that support homeless students and their families through the funding of Title 1 and the McKinney-Vento Act. Staff provides technical assistance to all MISD campuses, as well as support and services to the children and families identified as homeless. MISD employs six full time social workers to assist children and families in obtaining services. Each campus has a trained Campus Homeless Liaison, and the District Homeless Liaison coordinates the program.


  • Provide immediate enrollment to children and youth who meet the criteria as homeless as defined by the McKinney-Vento Act
  • Assistance in obtaining the required school vaccinations
  • Support in obtaining medical, dental, and mental health services
  • Assistance to students participating in extra-curricular activities such as athletics, band, theater, etc.
  • Provide McKinney-Vento training to shelters, community organizations, and district personnel
  • Proved school uniforms to identified children and youth
  • Immediately enroll children and youth in the National School Lunch Program to receive free breakfast and lunch
  • Collaborate with community organizations to provide additional resources such as food, shelter, and outside school support

McKinney-Vento Law (printable version)