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Section 176.006, Local Government Code requires that persons or agents who enter or seek to enter into a contract with a local government entity shall file a completed conflict of interest questionnaire (Form CIQ), if they have an employment or other business relationship with an officer or family member of an officer of the entity or have given the officer or family member gifts in excess of $250 aggregated over a twelve-month period. Failure to disclose this information is a Class C misdemeanor. This requirement will be addressed in all request for bids or proposals but vendors doing business with the district by purchase order must also complete this form.

FORM CIS: Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement

FORM CIQ: Conflict of Interest Questionnaire  

Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement

Board Trustee, Robert Seward

Board Trustee, Greg Everett

Conflict of Interest Forms

To download and print a form click on the form name in one of the menus below.  Forms are also available to view upon request in the Purchasing Department.