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ESSER III Background

Data shows that the pandemic has had a significant impact on student learning, both across the country and in Mesquite ISD.

The American Rescue Plan signed into law in March by President Joe Biden included $122 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds for school districts across the country, which is the single largest investment in federal elementary and secondary education in the nation’s history. Mesquite ISD has applied for and expects to receive about $82.3 million in ESSER III funding, which is intended to help reopen schools and accelerate learning and mitigate learning loss.

ESSER provides resources for: critical one-time investments; time-limited programming to respond to the pandemic; and innovation that can redefine student learning, acceleration, and development

MISD's Comprehensive ESSER III Plans

Updated 8/29/2022
en español

Updated 8/26/2022
en español

Mesquite ISD's Leveraging Learning Plan addresses the impact of learning recovery through four core areas. Click on the icon to see specific strategies in each area.

Safe Reopening of Schools

Learning Recovery and Acceleration 

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

1:1 Technology and Connectivity


Use of ESSER III Funds

Frequently Asked Questions About ESSER III