Annual Enrollment
Annual Enrollment Periods:
Supplemental Benefits:
May 1 – June 7, 2024
July 22 - August 16, 2024
Need Help with 2024-25 Benefits Enrollment?
The FFGA team will be visiting your campus on your designated day between May 1 and June 7. Visit the FFGA website and look for "Enrollment Schedule" to find out the dates for your location. Please direct all questions to Sheri Stiles at FFGA: 281-272-7632.
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Medical/Health Plan info
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Check the cost of medications and finD an in-network pharmacy
Current Plan Year Highlights
The Benefits Department, along with FFGA, have worked diligently to bring you lower premiums with richer benefit offerings. This year we have added additional benefits: cancer, emergency transportation, life insurance, pet insurance, and increased the employer paid benefit offerings.
- Increased Life insurance from $10K to $20K for all full-time and part-time employees contributing to TRS (and working retirees).
- Hospital Indemnity coverage tor all employees.
- Accident Insurance coverage for all employees.
- New EAP provider increased visits to 6 per year.
- New Educator disability plan to replace the current employer paid long-Term disability
(LTD) plan that gives employees both short-term and long-term options, you choose your coverage amount up to 00 2/ 3% monthly earnings. - Provides up to a one-month disability benefit for pre-existing conditions for employees who are not currently enrolled in short-term disability. This includes pregnancy.
- Premium savings across the board tor most supplemental plans with richer product offerings.
Ready to Enroll?
Visit Online Employee Benefits Center (EBC) 2024-25 pLAN yEAR | mESQUITE isd (
We encourage everyone to go online to verify your previous benefit elections and beneficiary information.
If you want to add, change, or cancel a benefit election, you must log into FFEnroll.
- If you want to add or delete a dependent from a benefit coverage, you must log into FFEnroll.
- If you do not want to enroll in the MISD health insurance, you must go online and waive the health coverage each annual enrollment.
- Once your enrollment is complete, you will receive a confirmation email. Please confirm your benefit elections to make sure they are accurate.