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Welcome to Mesquite ISD!

We are committed to ensuring you feel supported, prepared and valued as you begin your career here in Mesquite ISD. We have planned several days of professional learning to help you become familiar with the district and our community. During New Hire Orientation you will have an opportunity to learn more about your campus/facility, network with other educators new to MISD, and learn valuable information and skills to make your transition to Mesquite ISD a great success. 

Use the following information to help you plan for Professional Learning days.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to the Professional Learning Office at 972-882-7393 if you have any questions.

You belong here and we are excited to welcome you into the Mesquite family!

Technology and Digital Support

MISD's employee portal is the gateway to the district's most important web tools. Use your new MISD username and password to sign in only once and gain access to email, grades, attendance, curriculum, G-Suite (Google) and Classroom, and even password management. 

All teachers, students, and administrators have portal access from any campus or district home page. Just look for the "Portal" tab on the right hand side or click below:


NOTE: After employment contracts are signed and paperwork has been processed, MISD's Professional Learning department will email usernames and temporary passwords to new teachers at the email address you provided to Personnel on the blue form. 

Electronic Resources and Systems


Professional Learning

Employee Benefits
