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Keep 'Em Safe (Safe Gun Storage)

Practicing safe gun storage protects our kids, prevents accidents, and keeps our guns out of the hands of criminals.

Make Gun Ownership Safer Presentation

Did you know?

Firearms were the leading cause of death among Texan children and teens ages 1-17 in 2022. Restricting access to guns is critical in reducing acts of violence, whether as self-harm or towards others. Guns should be stored unloaded in a safe or locked container, with ammunition stored elsewhere. You can learn more and find additional resources from the Texas DPS at




House Bill 3, Section 19 (88th Texas Legislature) adds Section 37.222 to the Texas Education Code, which requires the Texas School Safety Center, in collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), to provide to each school district and open-enrollment charter school information and other resources regarding the safe storage of firearms, including information on section 46.13 of the Texas Penal Code, for distribution by the district or school.