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Employee Transfers


Teachers and other eligible employees may request a transfer to another campus within the District provided the employee meets the following criteria:

  • Employees are now eligible for transfer after one year on a campus or in a department.

  • Completion of the Transfer Request Form

The completed Transfer Request Form must be submitted to Personnel Services on or before February 14th of the year in which the transfer is requested. Requesting a transfer does not ensure the request will be approved. Transfer approval is based on campus need, principal recommendation, and authorization by the Director-Personnel Services.

Professional Transfer (teacher contract) Form

Paraprofessional Transfer Form

Should any employee transfer to another campus at their own request, the district seniority would be forfeited and the building/campus seniority would take precedent when reassignments are necessitated by adjustments in enrollment. In order to fill vacancies, principals/supervisors are encouraged to interview employees from the official request list. The administration reserves the right to reassign any teacher or employee.

*Any teacher or paraprofessional who was involuntarily moved at the beginning or during the year due to enrollment, etc., will be allowed to request a transfer. 

NOTE: The online form links above will be activated during transfer request period