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ETIP - Excellence in Teaching Incentive Program

We support career growth and aspiration in our educators, but we also believe that talented educators who feel their talents are best served in the classroom, should be able to stay in the classroom while reaching their professional goals.


  • Build teacher capacity

  • Recruit and retain teachers in MISD

  • Provide professional advancement opportunities for teachers who remain in the classroom

  • Build teachers’ financial future 

Definition for Inclusion in ETIP

Teachers eligible to participate are the teacher of record as defined by:

  • Assign report card grades for the current school year in one or more subject areas

  • Teach 50% or more of each day, and

  • Design and implement instruction

Teachers with two or more years teaching experience, at least one of these in MISD, may begin the ETIP coursework. This will allow experienced teachers who are new to our district to participate after only one year in MISD.


Differentiation - Fall
Formative Assessment – Spring
Practicum 1 -Summer
Teaching Students of Poverty - Fall
Preparing Students for a Global Society - Spring
Practicum 2- Summer

Three Levels of ETIP

Adding Value at Each Level

If you have any questions, please see the ETIP FAQs below or contact the Professional Learning Department at 972-882-7737.


ETIP Program FAQs