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Health & Physical Education


Contact Us

Tara Nichols
Director of Curriculum and Instruction

picture of children playing

Physical education is the planned sequential instruction created to develop motor skills, physical fitness, and sports’ skills. Through movement, students will experience opportunities to utilize decision making and problem solving skills as well as to enhance mental, social, and emotional abilities. In order for physical education to be effective, it must include a variety of engaging activities, an ongoing assessment, and use of technology. The ultimate goal of physical education is for all students to embrace the challenge of a physically active lifestyle.

PE Programs and Events in Mesquite ISD

The goal of Mesquite Independent School District's Physical Education Program is to provide a variety of physical activities and instruction that nurtures a desire in each student for a lifetime of health and fitness. Below are program features that are designed to motivate students to develop a positive attitude toward good health practices.

State Requirements for Physical and Health Education in Texas

Fitnessgram Fitness Testing

Fitnessgram is a method of measuring physical fitness levels of students. Students fitness levels are measured in several areas: aerobic capacity; body composition; and muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. The Fitnessgram software program was developed by The Cooper Institute and compiles individual results for each student so he/she can compare their fitness levels from year to year. Fitnessgram is administered to all PE credit students in grades 3-12 annually. The test is a criterion-referenced test that assesses health-related fitness. Fitnessgram tells students if they are in “healthy fitness zones” for each area of fitness so they can set individual goals and strive to maintain or improve. Parents may obtain a copy of their child's physical fitness assessment by submitting a letter to their principal at the end of the school year.

School Health Advisory Council

The MISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is made up of 24 parents, community members, teachers and administrators. The purpose of the SHAC is to be an advocate for healthy students by making recommendations to the School Board pertaining to the coordinated school health program. SHAC members provide input to ensure community values are reflected through regularly scheduled meetings. The SHAC meets at least four times each year at the Professional Development Center. All SHAC meetings are open to the public. Please contact Council Co-Chair Wendi Hatley at 972-882-7413 if you would like to attend a meeting.

Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH)

All Texas school districts are required to implement a Coordinated School Health Plan. MISD recognizes that a healthy student is a better learner and adopted the CATCH program to aid in achieving coordinated school health. The goal of CATCH is to help schools, children and families adopt healthy eating and physical activity habits. The CATCH Program has four components: a classroom health component, a physical education component, a food service component and family/home component. Each K-8 campus has its own CATCH Committee that plans yearly goals for coordinated school health and evaluates progress. Contact your schools physical education teacher if you would like to serve.