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Contact Us

2133 N. Beltline Rd, Mesquite, TX 75150

Dani Boepple
2024-25 President

Office Hours: 
Monday - Friday                         8:00  - 11:45 a.m. 
Closed during monthly FR meetings (last Tuesday of each month)


More Educator Discounts

MEA Mailbag

Through membership in the Mesquite Education Association (MEA), employees have a voice concerning professional practices. They are also encouraged to participate actively in civic affairs. MEA members are represented by a body able to speak with authority for them in communicating with other Mesquite ISD entities as well as the community which they serve.

MEA membership benefits include collaboration, professionalism, advocacy, scholarship opportunities, discounts, business casual jeans on Mondays, and other continually improving benefits.

Local Discounts for MEA Members