Course Description Guides
Intended for the use of both parents and students, the course description guides represent Mesquite ISD's continuing efforts to provide pertinent information about your middle and high schools and, specifically, a description of the courses offered in them.
The booklet has been assembled by utilizing Texas Education Agency publications as they apply to the local district and by listing the courses that Mesquite ISD high schools generally make available to students.
It should be noted, however, that not all of the courses listed are scheduled every year. Since it is not economically feasible to schedule classes in which only a few students enroll, it may be necessary to schedule such classes on an alternate-year basis or to eliminate them. Sufficient numbers of student requests for specific courses become the determining factor as to whether or not a course is scheduled.
Units of credit become most important in the ninth grade and above. Units of credit earned in high school are cumulative, and it is on that basis that high school graduation requirements are fulfilled. The seventh and eighth grade student, however, is simply more concerned with successful completion of the courses as required in the middle school.
Click on the link below for the downloadable and printable course description guide. If you do not have access to a printer you may contact your child's campus to requested a printed copy.