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How to contact us:

Visit the MISD Portal
Help Desk

Or Scan the QR Code

QR tech services


If you need help accessing the online help desk, use this step-by-step tutorial.

In District: 27777
Out of District: 972-882-7777


Jeremy Lewis
Executive Director of Technical Services

For Emergency Use Only

For total outages and campus-wide technical emergencies please contact the emergency line at extension 28777. Please remember that this line is for technical EMERGENCIES only. Received calls that are non-emergencies will be referred back to the Help Desk.

Technical Services is responsible for providing technology solutions and support for educators, staff and students throughout the district.  Our team manages installation and maintenance for the district's digital resources including: desktop/laptop computers, printers, internet access, email, security cameras, electronic door locks, phones, AV repair, TVs, wireless access, fire and security alarms/systems, 2-way radios, network access, and storage.

Need Help With Your Technology?

We're Here for You!

If you're facing any technical issues, we’ve got you covered. Here's a quick guide on who to contact and how to get the support you need:

If you need to report a new problem or issue to Technical Services please contact the Help Desk by phone at extension 27777 or by submitting a Help Desk support ticket through the MISD Portal. If you need help accessing the online help desk, use this step-by-step tutorial.

Before you contact the Help Desk, please check out our Tech Tips site to see if you can resolve the problem on your own. 

If you need assistance resetting your password please click here or visit the "Help, I forgot my password" web page accessible from the MISD Portal login screen. If you are unable to reset or recover your password, please contact the Help Desk to have your account set up for re-enrollment.

Before calling or submitting a ticket to the Help Desk, please make sure you have gathered the following information:

Employee ID:
Employee Name:
Location (Campus\Building):
Phone extension:
Device Asset Tag (Property of MISD Number):
Detailed Incident Description:

A detailed description is critical in understanding your technical issue. Providing detailed information on first contact will speed up the work order process and help us to serve you better.

Help with Non-Technical Issues

  • All issues concerning Skyward should be directed to our Skyward Support Team.
  • All Issues with Employees Self-Service should be directed to Payroll.

  • All building issues such as HVAC, grounds maintenance, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, carpentry, non-electronic locks(locksmith), roofing, and other building-related items should be directed to Facilities by your front office staff (Secretaries, Principals, Assistant Principals) only.