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Sexuality Instruction

Any course materials and instruction relating to human sexuality instruction shall be selected by the Board of Trustees with the advice of the districts School Health Advisory Council.

Parents of students enrolled in MISD may review instructional materials covering the following health topics:  human sexuality, child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking.  Also, parents may purchase a copy of the materials from the publisher as provided by the district’s purchase agreement for the curriculum materials. To make a request to review these instructional materials, please use the link below:

Request to Review Health Materials

The Board of Trustees of each school district establishes a local School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) to assist the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the districts health education instruction. The council is required to meet at least four times annually and to submit a report to the Board regarding recommendations about the districts health education curriculum and a detailed explanation of the councils activities that year.

Parents of students enrolled in the district are appointed to the SHAC annually by the Board in October. Parents interested in serving on SHAC should contact SHAC Co-Chair Wendi Hatley at 972-882-7413 prior to October 1.

Policy EMB (LEGAL) - Exemption from Instruction

A parent or person standing in parental relation may remove the parents child from a class or other school activity that conflicts with the parents religious or moral beliefs if the parent presents or delivers to the teacher of the parents child a written statement authorizing the removal of the child from the class or other school activity.

The local school board is further authorized to formulate and enforce any additional rules and regulations which it may deem necessary for the maintenance of proper standards. [TEC 26.010]