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Macey Melton BSN-RN

Health Services Director

Roles and Responsibilities of School Nurses

School nursing is a specialized practice of public health nursing that promotes and protects individual student health, facilitates development, and advances academic success.  

Mesquite ISD employs registered nurses to serve as school nurses and substitute school nurses in the clinic.  School nurses work with students and their families, school personnel, the community, and health care providers to advocate for student health and a healthy school environment.   

A full time RN is assigned to each Mesquite ISD elementary and secondary campus.  A full time school nurse is assigned three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) to Mesquite Academy and two days a week (Tuesday, Thursday) to The Learning Center.  

Nurses monitor student records for required immunizations, perform mandated health screenings, track communicable diseases, plan for health related emergencies, deliver direct care for students, teach disease prevention and health promotion, and engage students in self-management skills for a healthy life.

Infection Prevention for Students and Parents

State Mandated Health Advisories