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Medication at School

Student medication is administered at home by parents or guardians whenever possible.  Medication prescribed for children and adolescents enrolled in school may be administered at school when it is not feasible for the medication to be managed at home by the child's parent or guardian.  

All student medication is stored and administered through the school clinic except when a student meets the criteria for self-administration of life-saving emergency asthma or anaphylaxis medicine, or for diabetes self-management. 

A parent or guardian bringing medication to school for their child will be asked to administer the medicine in the school clinic.  In order to maintain student safety, the school nurse or other school personnel may ask the parent or guardian the name of the medication being administered. 

A parent, guardian, or other adult is expected to deliver student medication to school in the original container or prescription labeled container.  When medication is discontinued, stopped or expired, or when a student with medication in the clinic withdraws from a campus, a parent or guardian must pick up the medication from the school clinic.  Medication not picked up before the last day of the regular school calendar year is discarded according to the most current FDA guidelines for medication disposal.