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Health Screenings

Health Screening Basics

Texas public, private, and charter schools are required to screen children at specific grade or age levels for certain conditions. These screenings include:

  • Hearing screening
  • Vision screening
  • Texas Risk Assessment for Type 2 Diabetes in Children (TRAT2DC)
  • Spinal screening

Being able to see and hear in the classroom is critical to student engagement and success in school. In many situations, children having difficulty seeing or hearing are not aware that a problem exists because they don't know the world any other way. 

In accordance with state mandates, students in prekindergarten, kindergarten, first, third, fifth, and seventh grades undergo hearing and vision screening. Students in first, third, fifth, and seventh grades are screened for TRAT2DC. These screenings occur over the course of one or two days per campus, usually between the third week of school and Thanksgiving each year. Referrals resulting from these screenings are mailed to home addresses provided in Skyward.

Types of Screenings